


2020年,美国人的生活方式发生了巨大变化.S. 并在世界各地做生意, introducing new challenges 和 trends 和 accelerating many of those already in motion. As we move to recover from the social 和 economic impacts of COVID-19, many business leaders are reckoning with the lifestyle changes of both workers 和 consumers.

All of those changes mean businesses will continue to shift for the remainder of 2021 和 beyond. 在这里 are a few of the ways we can all expect see business evolving 和 what that means for you.

2020年,许多美国人.S. 工人们离开了办公室 看起来他们短期内不会回去了. 盖洛普估计,到2021年5月 45% U.S. 全职员工远程工作, 和 nearly a third of them would like to continue to do so as much as possible. Modern business leaders must be prepared to respond to this with 混合动力汽车的计划 或者准备好与他们的团队进行远距离合作, 保持灵活和开放的心态 新技术和沟通方式 满足员工的需求.

2020’s widespread shift to remote work paired with travel restrictions meant that many businesses had to find new ways to connect with partners, 客户和前景. 无处不在的视频会议使公司能够 降低运输成本 同时使实时会议比以往任何时候都更容易访问. While face-to-face interaction isn’t going to disappear completely, many CEOs 三思而后行 about which prospects are important enough to warrant travel when they have effective digital options at their fingertips.

雇主 that provide benefits focused on areas like mental 和 financial health show a 21% 公司rease in the number of high performers compared to organizations that don’t provide the same degree of support to their employees. Because the p和emic blended the personal 和 professional lives of employees in ways we haven’t seen before, 公司会强调 让员工生活更美好的事情. 实现 灵活的工作时间,额外的休息时间和员工报到 are all ways that businesses are now trying to maximize employee retention 和 attract high-quality c和idates.


Social issues were at the forefront in 2020, 和 that is entering the workplace. 的研究 Gartner,分享于 《PG电子平台》, shows that 74 percent of employees now expect their employer to become more actively involved in the 文化 debates of the day, 和 the companies that listen see a 20 percent jump in the number of “highly engaged” employees. 不仅仅是工人 62% 全球消费者希望企业在社交媒体上表明自己的立场, 文化, 环境和政治问题. CEOs will have to grapple with this issue to reap the benefits both internally 和 with consumers.

No matter if you are the CEO of a business or an entry-level employee, 如果你想在2021年进入商业世界, 这些问题可能会影响到你.
